Ok, I’ll admit it. I jumped right into the Beetlebones dwarf hamster craze along with half of Second Life and had to have one as soon as I saw the pictures posted advertising them for The Arcade event. I mean anyone with half a heart had to gush about how cute these little guys or girls were right? I played a few times hoping to get a Fairy one but it wasn’t meant to be so I settled for my Siberian Cocoa and ran around….*gasp* naked! Yes, I know I could have modified myself a little outfit but those of you that know me well know that I’m a noob when it comes to such things so I just stayed unclothed. That is until Chocolate Atelier decided to place out these adorable whispy dresses for the hamsters! Yay! Now, I could get all dressed up and go play. And that’s exactly what I did! *Giggles*

Garden+Hamster All Dressed Up

To see what I’m wearing, go visit my post here

3921699427654239139 4941365950106797205?l=confessionsofaslshopaholic.blogspot All Dressed Up
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