Blacklace has newness out in the form of sexy, lace lingerie called Tender Caress. This hot little number is available in a variety of colors perfect for seducing whoever your heart desires. I complimented my lingerie with one of Blacklace Beauty’s Allure shadows which are a group gift right now. I know you can’t see it well because we had the lights low but Gem makes the best makeup out there so you know you wanna join the group and grab these while you’re picking up the lingerie.

Dreaming Caress Me Tenderly

Me and my partner, Dinalya, were feeling a little playful so we decided to dress up in celebration of a friend of ours birthday and then one thing lead to another and well, you get the idea. *Giggles* Doesn’t she look hot waiting there on the bed for me? *Leans over and gives her round ass a swat*

Softer Caress Me Tenderly

Well, as you see she’s waiting for me to get done this post so I think it’s time for me to go umm play with her. XoXo readers! Don’t forget go to Blacklace so you can nab someone to play with too. icon biggrin Caress Me Tenderly

Blacklace+Beauty++Allure+Shadows+Group+Gift+Aug12 Caress Me Tenderly

Oh and if you want to see her way better pics, be sure to check out her blog post here.

Hair: Exile (Kavar Cleanslate) Late At Night in Maple
Skin: Izzie’s (Izzie Button) Beth in Sunkissed w/Pure Gloss
Lingerie: Blacklace (Mariska Simons) Tender Caress in Red or Teal (Depends on what you like! ;D)
Makeup: Blacklace Beauty (Gemini Galatea) Allure Shadows in Steel (Group Gift)
Pearls: Gossamer (Maxi Gossamer) Pearl Necklace Singles in Black

3921699427654239139 1780416683643740906?l=confessionsofaslshopaholic.blogspot Caress Me Tenderly
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