MV5BMTc5MDk2NDUyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODM0NzU3. V1  ELLE Essay Contest: The     That Changed My Life

Gwyneth Paltrow as Sylvia Plath in 'Sylvia.' Photo: David Appleby © 2003 Focus Features

Calling all ELLE readers who are also writers: You could be published in ELLE’s October 2012 Personal Style issue! We’re looking for essays of 500–750 words in length about a treasured piece from your wardrobe. It’s about more than just a favorite item of clothing, because a cherished dress is never really just a dress: It’s a reflection of where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, how you see the world—a reminder of definitive moments in your life.

So here it is: your chance to write a humorous, poignant, heartbreaking, or shocking ode to the clothes that made you who you are today. To enter, simply e-mail your submissions to by June 25, 2012. (Please paste your text in the message window
rather than sending an attached document.)

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