Hi all! I got lots of compliments on this outfit so I figured I’d show it off via some bloggage. If you’re not aware, [NV] and Suicidal Unborn are having a sale with select items for 50% off. This sweet halter style dress is one of the many awesome items you can pick up there and it’s available in a variety of colors. I paired it with this awesome antique style necklace from Kosh that is available at The Men’s Department (yes, they have unisex stuffs too!) and the newest freebie eyes from Poetic Colors. The rest of my look is oldies but goodies I tossed on. You know I can never get enough of these Deco boots and I love how they make my sexy dress look more girl next door. I don’t know about you but sometimes I feel like I only wear an outfit once so I’ve been trying to make more use out of things I’ve bought in the past.

CrystalBall Its Haunted!

Now onto location! I’m blogging today from The Haunted Mountain of Marathon Caye. This sim is awesome and yes, it’s Halloween themed so it’s perfect for pics right now. I found it on the Second Life Destination Guide and even though I’m only showing one teensy part of this fantastically done sim, you need to check out the rest. Well, I better get out of here before I get hit with one of these flying books, be sure to check out all the stores and this location. Huggies!

Flying Its Haunted!

Style Card

Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks) Carmen in Honey w/Roots
Skin: :F: (Alexandra Barcelos) Alecia in Ivory 08
Eyes: pc (Lano Ling) Classic Gen4 Eyes in Oriental Pearl Medium Bright (Free!)
Dress: [NV] (isiss Bade) SoLovely Dress in Black (50% Off Sale!)
Socks: WWI (Minde Mills) Army Girl Garters in Charcoal
Boots: Deco (Orchid Zenovka) Jump Boots in Gravel
Necklace: KOSH (Lynaja Bade) Copeck Necklace in Antique (The Men’s Dept.)
Bracelets: insanya (Tatyana Ultsch) Zed Is Dead Baby in Black
Poses: (marukin) (Valencia Southard) Flambe Pose Pack (Collabor88)

Location: The Haunted Mountain of Marathon Caye

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