So the song title is just some lyrics from a song that’s been in my head the last few days. I know not really fitting to the outfit but hey everyone on SL is a little mad in my opinion. *sticks my tongue out* Anyways, I’ve got newness from Plastik to show off in the form of this rockin mesh boots. They come in tons of different textures and have optional tattoo layer stockings in all sorts of fun patterns that you can wear with them. As you can see, they go well with urban grungy looks like most of Plastik’s goodies so be sure to get your booty there and pick some up!

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Also rocking the newest Truth hair! Yes, I went and snapped it up for half off this past weekend. I mean I’d be a fool if I didn’t, right? I love the sideswept style of this one and the cutesy little barrette. Best of all, you can rock it with the boobehs! Yes, they are making an appearance in this post with the newest dress release from Cynful that can be found at The Boobies Show. I haven’t gotten the awesome looking Tangos yet but I can still look cute in the prim ones.

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Style Card

Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks) Nyx in Carob w/Roots (New!)
Skin: :F: (Alexandra Barcelos) Alecia in Tan 08 (Store Closing Sale!)
Horns: Illusory (Ivy Graves) Horns 1a (Store Closed)
Dress: [Cynful] (Cynthia Ultsch) Aphrodisia Dress in White (The Boobies Show)
Earrings: MG (Maxi Gossamer) Late Night Hoops
Belt: ~Pepper~ (Danni Pfeffer) Brass Knuckle Belt in Black
Necklace: MG (Maxi Gossamer) Banshee Skull Heart Group Version
Rings: MG (Maxi Gossamer) Ramona 77 Rings
Warmers: AlterEgo (Toxxic Rhiannyr) ArmWarmers in Black
Socks: illmatic (Kaiden Trill) Knit Garter Socks in Black (StuffInStock)
Boots: :[P]: (Aikea Rieko) Malicious Boots in Dirt (New!)
Nails: Izzie’s (Izzie Button) 80′s Round Nails
Poses: Label Motion (Anne Dakun) Last TDRB Pose Pack (TDRB)

Location: Tableau Vivant


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