Hi readers! So tonight, I’m not going to do a full on review like I normally do to go along with my picture. All of the items I’m wearing are fabulous and if you’re interested, you can check the credits below to go get them.

Alien Just a Few Questions

When I started blogging, I did it because I found it therapeutic and I like every other female on SL (and some males too!) loved shopping and wanted to show off my looks. As I got more involved, it became a little less about me and more about what my readers like. This past week, I’ve been questioning my blogging. Things have happened and I have analyzed my blog looking for answers. I came up with a few ideas but instead of focusing on the negative, I want to focus on positive change so I’ve put together a little survey and I’m asking anyone who reads this to please take it and answer the few questions I have in it. These questions are general Second Life blogging ones and I’d like to see what the majority of people who read these types of blogs look for in a good blog. I’ll publish the results afterwards so that other new bloggers, as well as old ones like me, can have a better understanding of things readers look for in a blog. Thanks for your time and your readership. Hugs!

Link to the Survey

Style Card

Hair: D!va (Marisa Kira) Maya in Topaz (Past 2nd anniversary gift)
Skin: Censored (Cindy Oysternatz) Lili (New!)
Outfit: Intrepid (IntrepidDesigns Resident) Innocent in Purple & Lace (Upcoming Phunk Da Phashion)
Sunglasses: Moonshadow (moonshine Allerhand) Sunny Sunglasses in White (Summer Fashion Festival)
Bag: MDL (Suvi Breil) Glamour Bag in Purple/Blue (Summer Fashion Festival)
Necklace: LEO:NT (Lady Leonard) My Lill Flowerfriend Necklace (New Group Gift)

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