MV5BMTc5OTYzMjMxOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTMyNzgyMw@@. V1  Meryl Streep Would Do a Devil Wears Prada Sequel

Photo: © TM and2006 Twentieth Century Fox. All rights reserved.

The Devils Wears Prada sequel isn’t even out in book form yet—that doesn’t happen until next April—but eyes are already on a film sequel, too. No such project has been confirmed to be in the works, but just in case, Meryl Streep says she’s into it.

Last night, Streep, who was on the red carpet at the Women In Film 2012 Crystal + Lucy Awards to support Viola Davis, was asked by Access Hollywood, “So, Devil Wears Prada 2, are we going to see it?” At first, she was flustered, as she didn’t realize there was a sequel in the works. “Yeah…no, no, is there one? I’ve never heard about it,” she said. But then she replied, “But, sure, I mean I’d have to lose the fucking weight, but I would do that, yeah.”

See the video after the cut—her response is at the very end.

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