31420221 News: Johnny Depp Denies Paradis Split, RIP Vidal Sassoon

Vidal Sassoon working on one of his signature bobs in 1963. Photo: Getty Images

Famed hairdresser Vidal Sassoon passed away yesterday at 84. {HuffPo}

Images of Bar Refaeli on the set of her first film, Kidon. {Telegraph UK}

Johnny Depp denies rumors that he and Vanessa Paradis have split. {People}

Fifty Shades of Grey author E.L. James has two more novels coming. {Vulture}

Britney Spears has reportedly signed a $15 million X Factor deal. {E!}

Karl Lagerfeld Tweeted a photo of his kitten playing with an iPad. {Fashionista}

A Mark Rothko painting shattered contemporary records, selling for almost $87 million. {NY Times}

See a very pregnant Sasha Pivovarova. {Fashion Copious}

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