Ahh two blog posts in one day! I’m on a roll but as soon as I tried on this adorable vintage dress from Mirror’s Enigma, I couldn’t wait to blog it. It comes in 3 pretty colors and includes the complimentary stockings. It’s part of the newly released line of clothing that Mirror’s Enigma now offers. Since you only know this store for its skins, you’ll want to tp over and check out the rest of their clothing releases.

Crater Sofia Goes to the Lake

I initially wanted to take these pics in a Western type sim because the dress has that kind of feel to me so I headed over to the Grand Canyon but when I got near the north side, I saw this pretty lake complete with geese and grazing deer and just had to shoot from there. If you’re never been to the Grand Canyon sim, you definitely need to check it out because there is lots to see and do there. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go toss some bread to these geese. Muahz readers!

Geese Sofia Goes to the Lake

Style Card

Hair: Truth (Truth Hawks) Josie in Auburn w/Roots
Skin: Izzie’s (Izzie Button) Delusional in Sunkissed w/Freckles
Dress & Stockings: [:ME:] (Ydreece Forster) Sofia Vintage Dress in Blue (New!)
Boots: Miel (Miel Nirvana) Dandy Boots in Flor
Poses: (marukin) (Valencia Southard) Willow Pose Pack (Collabor88)

Location: Crater Lake

3921699427654239139 7546163331882880178?l=confessionsofaslshopaholic.blogspot Sofia Goes to the Lake
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