Vanity Fair opened last night and features lots of cuteness from over 80 awesome stores on Second Life and revolves around the theme, vanity. When I think of vanity, I automatically think of sexy so I’m showing off some of my fave items for this little looksie. From mesh to accessories, Vanity Fair has much to offer so be sure to grab the LM and visit this fabulous event before it ends on August 11th.

Walk+This+Way Vanity Fair is Open

The poses I’m using for this post are by one of my fave designers on SL (love ya boo!) and the store is called Fly Lily. The owner makes some crazy, sexy poses that match her personality perfectly so I just had to show off these ones she’s got for rings. I think they work good with nails too so if you’re after some well done poses at a cheap price, be sure to check out her store.

Work+It Vanity Fair is Open

gallant Vanity Fair is Open

Style Card

Hair: Magika (Sabina Gully) Drastic in 01 Pack
Skin: [Gallant] (Lani Garnet) Cassie Smokey in Summer Tan (Vanity Fair)
Top: Sassy! (Ivy Burner) Gramercy Leather Corset in White (Vanity Fair)
Bottoms: Sassy! (Ivy Burner) Tribeca Leather Pants in Black (Vanity Fair)
Nails: Scrub (ramon Jonstone) Short Typed Nails (Vanity Fair)
Jewelry: Splash (Jullya Albatros) Mesh Stone Set in Black (Vanity Fair)
Heels: deeR (Sidofox Zsun) Galaxy Stilettos (Vanity Fair)
Poses: Fly Lily (Melina Fetuccio) Rings Poses

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