Hey readers! Plastik has out these adorable half tees with lots of mix and match options like undershirts and bows. These tops come with a prim attachment for us umm more well endowed girls so the text isn’t lost in our cleavage. Lots of options to be had but I loved the saying of this one so much that I just had to show it off. Those of you who know me know how immature I can be so the shirt is fitting.
The rest of my look is a mash up of hunt goodies, freebies and bargains I picked up around the grid. The pants are mesh goodness from BUID at Perfect Wardrobe. I love the urban vibe of them and the way they fit so go check them out for a bargain 90L!
Scrub has out some cutesy kittycat cameo rings as their DSL prize and while I was there, I also picked up their subscriber gift bracelets! So cute! I’m sure I’ll wear them again and again and again. Since I’m talking about the DSL hunt, check out my kicks. They are the prize at Duh so if you haven’t hit this hunt path yet, do it cause if you don’t, you’ll be super disappointed!
Oh and finally, last nite I went to the Midnight Dream event. Omg! That sim is gorgeous and the designers are sooo super generous and have out lots of gifties. My eyes, nails, and poses are all from this event and were free!! Yes, you heard me right! Freeeeeeeeee! If you haven’t checked out this event, get your butt over there because besides the gifties, the designers have out lots of cuteness.
Style Card
Hair: Illusory (Crushed Clarity) Ayumi in Toast w/Streak
Skin: :F: (Alexandra Barcelos) Mia in Tan 08
Top: :[P]: (Aikea Rieko) Tomboy Tee in Immature (New!)
Bottoms: BUID (BuLut Beorn) Mesh Baggy Pants in Black (Perfect Wardrobe!)
Shoes: Duh! (Renee Harvy) My Gear High Tops in Black (Depraved Summer Love Hunt)
Rings: Scrub (ramon Jonstone) DP Cameo Rings (Depraved Summer Love Hunt)
Bracelets: Scrub (ramon Jonstone) Paz Bracelets (Subscriber Gift)
Belt: Pepper (Danni Pfeffer) Brass Knuckle Belt
Nails: **pulcino** (Chihiro Owatatsumi) Mizu Hanabi Nails in Gray (Midnight Dream Gift)
Eyes: *.amato.* (haruhi Amaterasu) June Rainy Eyes (Midnight Dream Gift)
Poses: *.amato.* (haruhi Amaterasu) Poses BC (Midnight Dream Gift)
Location: Brutal Facility